Sunday School
Our active Sunday School program provides faith education for children from the age of three through Grade 12 based upon the curriculum SHINE: Living in God’s Light.

Junior Youth
(Grades 7 to 9)
Junior youth meet approximately three times per month-typically on Sunday afternoons-for engaging events that stir fun, fuel relationships, and nurture strong faith roots.

Senior Youth
(Grades 10 to 12)
About three times per month, Sunday afternoons become prime time for senior youth events. Getting together for fellowship and fun strengthens relationships and a commitment to faith that will support the plethora of life-decisions arising in the years ahead.

Young Adults
With school, career, and family commitments, young adults tend to lead hectic lives, so get-togethers pop up on an ad-hoc basis. Events often revolve around music and food!

Womens’ Groups
In addition to creating a network of encouragement and support for one another, several women’s groups at FMCW undergird the work of the church. Opportunities abound for women of all ages to become involved.

Fellowship Opportunities
Pot-luck, anyone? Approximately once a month we gather for an informal meal, typically following a worship service. Everyone is welcome to share this time of connection and culinary delight, especially young families! People also gather for the church picnic and an annual retreat in early summer. Sunday worship services are followed with coffee and dainties, providing a regular opportunity to check in with one another.

Adult Education
Several times a year we offer adult education series, typically blocks of three or four sessions, on Sunday morning after the worship hour. We address a wide variety of issues. Recent topics include sin and salvation, marriage and family matters, mental health challenges through life stages, and drugs and alcohol abuse. Occasionally we present evening lectures with special guests such as Dr. Janis Thiessen, Associate Professor of History and Associate Director of the Oral History Centre at the University of Winnipeg. She addressed the topic of money and Mennonite practices.

Church Council and Committees
Congregational organization and leadership is conducted by several groups and countless individuals who share their gifts in service to FMCW and the wider community.
Church Council: develops annual and longer-term plans to implement the mission of the congregation and develops the annual budget and policies for the operation of the church.
Christian Formation Committee: supports Christian education outside of the sanctuary including Sunday School, Adult Education, The Community Well newsletter, and the Church Library.
Congregational Care Committee: coordinates and provides a caring response to members of the congregation and gives oversight to Christmas visitations, the visitation team and neighbourhood groups.
Facilities Committee: oversees the physical infrastructure of the church.
Fellowship Committee: facilitates many activities that allow people to interact socially. They organize coffee times after each worship service and oversee the fellowship aspect of many events and concerts held within the church. In addition, the Fellowship Committee ensures people are available to cater receptions following member funerals that take place at FMCW.
Finance Committee: assists Church Council in providing governance of church financial matters.
Missions and Service Committee: identifies needs in the local and global community, develops responses to those needs-including active engagement in refugee sponsorship-and it promotes peace and justice.
Worship Committee: serves the congregation by supporting the ministerial team in preparing all aspects of a well-balanced worship service, encourages greater congregational participation and fosters leadership development.