First Mennonite Church of Winnipeg has a newly established Legacy Fund to help support and expand our missions and service while guarding against economic shifts. To learn more, download a copy of our Legacy Fund brochure.
First Mennonite Church of Winnipeg was founded in the 1920s by Mennonites of German descent, most of whom emigrated from Russia to escape persecution. The congregation of newcomers quickly took root and grew.
Over the years, FMCW evolved into a multicultural community celebrating a diversity of faith perspectives.

Music, education, and the arts play important roles in the formation and expression of faith for us. We attempt to nurture the strengths of past traditions while exploring and integrating new ways to live faithfully.

At First Mennonite Church, we foster fellowship in the midst of the naturally occurring diversity among us. Our congregation shares a wide variety of views and tastes, we live in many different areas of Winnipeg and the surrounding region, and we’re comprised of people from all ages and backgrounds.
We are a congregation rooted in the Anabaptist faith tradition and is a member of Mennonite Church Manitoba, Mennonite Church Canada and Mennonite World Conference. Our beliefs and practices are broadly reflected in the Confession of Faith in a Mennonite Perspective. To get a sense of our contemporary thought and practice as a national church see our denominational magazine, Canadian Mennonite.

Come, experience, and learn more about First Mennonite Church in Winnipeg and consider adding to the diversity and tradition of our faith community!